Fundraise Your Way
Fundraise Your Way to support cancer research at Cleveland Clinic through a variety of ways. Whether it’s hosting an event, creating a page for a special occasion, or partnering with a local business – we have the tools, resources and support to help!
Hosting an event is a fun way to get your friends and family involved with VeloSano. Think dine to donate nights, golf outings, karaoke events, or charity workout classes. Our team can provide you with the tools and platforms to make your event as easy as possible to execute. Whether you’re a seasoned event planning expert or not sure where to start, we’re here to help!
Email us to get started today!
Want to raise funds for cancer research year-round or for a special occasion? Make it easy by creating your own Personal Fundraising Page for VeloSano.
Visit our Fundraising Guide page for more information and to get started.
Looking to partner with a local business to help you or your team’s fundraising efforts for VeloSano? Whether it’s food, drink, or fitness, these local businesses are willing to work with you and support you in hosting a fundraising event of your own.
View our Fundraising Guide for tools, tips and resources to maximize your fundraising efforts!
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